

Obesity surgery
Loose weight, not hope

Obesity surgery

  • Obesity is accumulation of excess fat more than BMI 25, and morbid obesity is, if BMI crosses more than 35 and results in health issues. In fact morbid obesity is Mother Of Many Diseases (MOMD) apart from issues of looks. In short it affects social, physical and mental health of individual.
  • Obesity surgery or metabolic surgery corrects many of health issues apart from reduction of weight.
  • Obesity surgery is medical indicated, not only cosmetic surgery

Medical problems associated with obesity

  • Sleep apnea and pulmonary problems
  • Diabetics Mellitus
  • Osteoarthritis of knee
  • Fatty liver and cirrhosis
  • Infertility
  • Heart problems
  • Chronic head ache, migraine
  • Increased chances of cancers of breast, uterus, ovary
  • Confidence issues
  • Many other health problems

What is Bariatric surgery and how does it work?

  • There are multiple procedure but basic principles are almost same.
  • Restricts intake of food
  • Decreases absorption of food
  • Decreases appetite
  • Increases metabolism through hormonal modulation


How does weight loss occurs ? How much time it takes?

It occurs naturally, gradually and almost consistently. It takes 6 – 12 months to lose expected weight loss

Do you remove any fat ?

No fat is removed at the time of Bariatric surgery

How about my medical problems ?

Apart from weight loss sleep apnea, diabetes, fatty liver, infertility resolved to large extent.

How much weight loss is expected ?

Varies from person to person, but it’s around 50-80% of excess weight.

What are the risks involved ?

It’s quite safe in experienced surgeon with good infrastructure.

How about my medical problems ?

Apart from weight loss sleep apnea, diabetes, fatty liver, infertility resolved to large extent .

It’s it rare procedure ?

Lakhs of Bariatric procedures are done across daily and most of the time, people keep it safe.

I do not each much, but still obese, how does this procedure helps me ?

Obesity is not only due to excess eating, but also due to less metabolism ( genetic ), less activity, some medical problems and medication. This procedure helps in all.

I am not having children, inspite many infertility procedures, will it help ?

Weight loss helps in fertility both in female and males. It improves chances of pregnancy.

Which procedure should I undergo?

Best way is to discuss with your doctor.

Will I be happy after procedure ?

Happy, confident mostly.

What is obesity?

Obesity is excess body fat accumulation with multiple organ specific pathological consequences.

Prevalence of obesity

Weight problems are growing in India. More than 10 million Indians are overweight. Half of these people are more than 25 yrs over weight 15%-20% oh these people are more than 50kgs overweight. Each year this number is growing.

Obesity is rapidly increasing problems all over the world, is number 2 preventable causes of death after smoking. This growing rate represents a pandemic that needs urgent attention if its potential morbidity, mortality and endemic tolls are to be avoided.

Classification of obesity

Obesity is characterized by Body Mass Index (BMI) which is calculate by Weight (in Kgs) divided by Height (in meter) squared.

BMI = Weight in Kgs (Height in Meters)²
A BMI of: Classifies one as:
<18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal weight
25-29.9 Overweight
30-34.9 Obesity Class I
35-39.9 Obesity Class II
40-49.9 Obesity Class III
50 and above Super Obesity

A BMI more than 30 indicates obesity and it reflected by increased Waist circumference. Waist circumference is a better assessor of metabolic risk than BMI because it’s more directly proportional to metabolic total body fat and the amount of metabolically active visceral fat Morbid obesity: When obesity is so severe that it threatens ones health and affects life span of individual. BMI > 35 with medical problems BMI > 40 without medical problems Indian & Asian population develop more problems at lesser BMI Waist circumference of >102 cm in men & 88 cm in women require urgent attention Waist/hip ratio of 0.95 in men & 0.8 in women needs consideration Other important criteria Waist / Hip ratio The occurrence of heart problems, hypertensions are directly correlated with waist circumference. Waist circumference more than 94cm in men and 80cm women and waist to hip ration more than 0.95 in men and 0.8 in women are associated with increased risk for heart attacks. Waist circumference of 102cm in men and 88 cm in women indicates very high risk for cardiac problems and diabetes and needs definite treatment.


Asian population with typical normal BMI may conceal underlying excess adiposity characterized by increased percentage of fat mass and reduced muscle mass.


  • Consumption of food in high calories (high Fat and Carbohydrates)
  • Consumption of excess food (too much food)
  • Not enough Exercise and sedentary life
  • Genetic Factors
  • Endocrine factor

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